Online since 30 years. Founded 1996 by Günther W. Frank
Günther's book goes into considerable detail and includes many references. It is an excellent book that is the result of many years of studying Kombucha. I think this book is the original source of much of the current information on Kombucha. See also where to buy the book.
This is the index for the book, "Kombucha - Healthy Beverage and
Natural Remedy from the Far East" by Günther Frank, 9th edition, 1995.
It is made available here so you can get an idea of the topics described in his book. This book is generally considered the most detailed of the Kombucha books currently available. This index is also useful for those who purchased earlier versions of Günther's book which did not include an index.
Table of Contents |
Babushka 143
Baby-culture See Young culture
Back pains 108
Bact. Aceti Kuetzingianum 38
Bact. Aceti Pasterianum 38
Bact. Ascendens 98
Bacteria 11; 16; 17; 30; 32; 34; 36; 38;
39; 49; 54; 61; 62; 71; 76; 78; 81; 83; 89;
90; 94; 95; 97; 102; 103; 105; 106; 145
Bactericide/ Bactericidal 29; 78; 94; 95
Bacteriocidin 95
Bacteriological cultures 55
Bacteriology 105
Bacteriostatic 29; 71
Bacterium coli commune 79
Bacterium gluconicum 63; 105; 106; 145
Bacterium xylinoides 105; 145
Bacterium xylinum
See Acetobacter xylinum
Baker's yeast
See Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bald patches grow over 108
Balloon envelopes 104
Baltic 7
Bancha tea 18; 19; 20
Barometer 51
Basidiomycetes 90
B-cells 121
Beer 29; 82; 107
Beet sugar 40
Begin 86
Beneficial effects
- when do they become appearant? .52; 115
Benzol 147
Berries 67
Betamethasone 80
Bible 81; 95
Bibliography 128-139
Bilberry leaves 25
Bile 24
Binary fission 90; 91; 92; 144
Biochemical oxidation 62
See also Oxidation
Bio-electronics 68
Biological metabolic processes 40
Biological, living beverage 113
Biologically active 88
Bio-transformation 116
Birch-leaf tea 149
Bits 67; 96
Bitter oils 24
Black bread See Bread
Black tea 12; 15; 18; 19; 24; 28; 29;
30; 56; 72; 110; 144; 149
- which sort?.....18; 19
Blackberries 49
Blackberry leaves 25
Blackcurrant leaves 25
Blackthorn 24
Bladder 21; 55
Bladder stones 21
Blade 144
Blemishes on the skin 57
Blend of tea 19
Blobs of clear jelly 33
Blood 60; 126
Blood cleansing 55; 115
Blood fat 30; 126
Blood-pressure 21; 55; 115; 117; 125
Blood-vessels 21
Bloodstream 51
Blotches 21
Blue light insect killer 100
Boas and Ruth 81
Bohemia 107
Boletus 90
Bond 118
Bone cancer 127
Bottle/ Bottling 16; 42; 46; 47; 48; 88
Bottle-traps 100
Bottling jar 31
Bottom 87
Bottom layer 33
Bowel cancer 22
Bowel movements 126
Bowels 63; 114; 115; 116; 117; 125
Bran 50
Brandy 94
Brazil 53; 54; 55
Bread 50; 60; 82; 91; 97; 106; 144
Brittleness of the capillaries 21
Bronchial tubes 55; 125
Bronchitis 125
Brown rot 91
Brown wrinkled patches 84
Brownish, rougher layer 33
Bruker, Dr. 9; 58; 59; 60; 63; 68; 70; 140
Bubbles, foamy-looking 96
Bubbles of carbonic acid 41; 44; 45; 48;
87; 96; 102
Budding 91; 92; 145
- bipolar 91
- multipolar 91
Budding inhibition 89
Bud-like outgrowth 76
Bulge upwards 96
Burns 55
Bursting of bottle 47
C2H5OH (alcohol/ethanol) See Alcohol
C6H12O6 See Glucose and Fructose
C12H22O11 See Lactose and Maltose
C6H10O5 See Starch and Cellulose
C3H6O3 See Lactic acid
C6H12O7 See Gluconic acid
C6H10O7 See Glucuronic acid
Caesium 147
Caffeine 19; 20; 28; 67
Cainii grib 95
Calories 58
Cancer 20; 21; 22; 50; 63; 108; 117; 118;
119; 121; 126; 127; 142; 143; 146; 147; 148; 149; 150
Candida See Yeast cells - beneficial effect
Cane sugar 40
Capillary vessels of the brain 116
Capillary walls 21
Caramel 66
Carbohydrates 17; 59; 60; 61; 75
Carbon (H) 32; 41; 49; 59; 62
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 16; 40; 45; 62;
95; 96
Carbon dioxide - inhibitory effect 95
Carbon dioxide bubbles
See Bubbles of carbonic acid
Carbonic acid (H2CO3) 33; 40; 41; 44;
47; 48; 62; 68; 95; 96; 102; 110
Carcinogenic effect (no) 117
Cardiac vessels, hardening 116
Carstens, Veronika, Dr. 119
Cartilage 146
Casein 55
Catalysation 62
Cataract 108
Cell body 85
Cell membranes 112
Cell nuclei 85
Cell respiration 146
Cell walls, regeneration 115
Cellar 48; 101
Cell-building 118
Cells 113; 119; 124
- resuscitation 119
Cellulitis 54; 56
Cellulose (C6H10O5 59; 103
Centaury 24
Centigrade See Metric measures
Central nervous system 121
Cereals 60
Cerebral haemorrhage 21
Ceylon tea 19
CH3COOH (acetic acid) See acetic acid
Cha 106
Camomile 25; 29; 54; 57
Chamomille 29
Champignon de longue vie 107
Chanterelle 90
Charlatanism 112
Cheerfulness 121
Cheese-cloth 16
Chemical metabolic processes 40; 41
Cherries 49
Chicken-pox 108
Chickweed 25
Children 24; 57
China 12; 15; 19; 20; 107; 144; 145
China tureen 31
Chinese tea 29
Chlorophyll 19; 145
Cholesterol/ Cholesterin 30; 117; 118
Choline 74
Chondroitin-sulphuric acid 146
Chop 57
Chun Mee 18; 19
Cilia tea filter 23
Circulation 18
Circumstances 11; 88
Citric acid 62
Citromyces 98
Clasp 23; 24
Clean container 42
Cleanliness is essential 14; 95
Cleansing 125
Clear See Colour of the beverage
Climatic conditions 105
Cloth 100
Cloudy See Colour of the beverage
Club-moss 25
CO2 (carbon dioxide, gas)
See Carbon dioxide
Coca-Cola 29
Coffee 67
Coffee filter paper 23
Cognac (adding) 32
Cold 83; 102
Colibiogen 50; 118; 126
Colonies/ Colonies of cells 91; 104
Colonies of cells 91
Colour/ Appearance of the beverage
- clean 68
- clear 68; 83
- cloudy 41; 46; 47; 48; 68; 83; 96; 98
- dark brown 68
- sparkling...42; 44
- transparent 83
- Yellow amber 44
Colour/ Appearance of the culture
- brown/brownish 17; 33; 84; 86; 89
- bulging upwards 96
- depends on the tea 89
- dry 98
- dusty, delicate 98
- exhausted 85
- gelatinous 39
- green patch 93; 98
- grey 89
- grey-brown 144
- jelly-like 47; 89; 98; 103; 144
- like a jellyfish 41; 144
- like a pancake 144
- moribund 85
- mouldy See Mould
- mucilaginous 40
- ouworn 84
- peach-coloured 89
- powdery skin 98
- "rat's tails" 96
reddish hue 44
- size 11
- slimy 39
- smooth, shiny, light 33
- streaky, jelly-like bits 47
- streamers 96
- thickness 87
- thin and filmy layer 17
- transparent 32; 89; 95
- unsightly 84
- whitish 89; 96; 98
- whitish patches 96
- yellowish-white 76
Combucha 107; 111; 118
Communalities See Symbiosis
Community 28; See also Symbiosis
Competitors 93
Complaints of old age 115
Component elements of the culture
104; 105
Composure 121
Compound sugars 40
Concentration 41
Conjugated glucuronic acid 115; 116
Conjugation 116
Connective tissue 146
Consecutive and simultaneous reactions
Conservation 93
Consolidation of well-being 124
Constipation 79; 108; 115; 117
Constituents of the culture 104; 105; 106
Constitution 51
Container 14; 31; 33; 35; 40; 43
- size 88
Contamination 30; 31; 32; 55; 93;
94; 95; 98; 104
- See also Preservation/ Preservative effects
Continues to work 47
Cool down the tea 31; 47; 55
Cool place 16; 42; 47; 48; 101
Cork 34; 42; 47; 88
Corns on the toes 124
Cortisone 80
Cosmetic 54; 56; 57
Cover the container 16; 34; 35; 36; 56;
95; 99; 101; 144
Covers the surface 86
Cranberry 49
Cream 54; 57
Crohn's disease 47
Crow's feet 57
Cultivation and propagation of the culture 86
Cultivation glass, separate 87
- darker, rougher - underneath 33
- new 88; 98; See also Young culture
- old 33; 86; 88
- several in one container 88; 89
- smooth, shiny, light - uppermost 33
- young 17; 33; 84; 88; 90; 98; 144
Curdled milk 63
Cure-all 113
Cut in pieces 56; 87; 88
Cyclamate 66
Cystitis 125
Czechoslovakia/ Prague 76; 77; 107
Dandelion 25
Danielova, L.T., Prof 17; 32; 34; 37; 39;
43; 48; 53; 54; 55; 65; 89; 95; 105; 140
Darkness/ Dark place 16; 36; 83; 145
Daughter cell 91
Daylight 37
Dead 102; 103;
See also Dying of the culture
Dead cells 96
Decomposition 83
Deep-freezing the culture 83; 102
Defense capacity 119
Degeneration/degenerate 73; 85
Dehydration 59; 62
Delay/ Delayed activity 101; 103
Density of micro-organisms 89
Depression 121; 125
De-sensitizing 52
Deterioration of the beverage 86
Detoxicating 112
Detoxification/ Detoxifying effect 112;
113; 115; 118; 119; 124; 127; 146; 147
Dextrose See Glucose
Dextrygyral 145; 146
D-fructose 60
D-glucose 60
Diabetes/ Diabetic 55; 63; 64; 73; 74;
75; 76; 108; 117
Diagram fermentation process 41
Diarrhoea 108
Dibenzofurane 146
Dietary/ Dietetic 74; 116
Difficulties 93; See also Problems
Digestion is normalized 50; 51; 116;
117; 126
Digestive system 50; 60
Dilute 48; 73
Diplococci 95
Dirt 56
Dirty working 85
Disaccharides 40; 59; 60; 73
Disadvantages of herbal tea 28-30
Discard old culture 17; 33
Disease bacteria 89
Disease invaders 121
Diseases 55; 56; 57; See also Illness
Disruptive products 119
Dissimilation 61; 62
Dissolve 40
Distress 121
Diuretic in oedema 111
Division 90; 103
Dizziness 116; 117
Doctors 12; 112; 115; 116; 126; 147; 148
Documentation 114-119
Documentary evidence 142-150
Dogmatic 51
Dosage 50; 51; 52
Doubling 103
Drawing off and bottling 46-49
Dried preparation 104
Drink 48; 57
- after a meal 17
- after evening meal 50
- after midday meal 50
- as a refreshment 56
- before breakfast 51
- before meals 57
- don't stop 57
- how much? 16; 50; 51; 52; 114
- interval theory 52
- on a partly empty stomach 51
- on an empty stomach 17; 50; 51
- over an extended period of time 52
- perspire 125
- to slim 54; 56; 57
- warm feeling 125
- when? 50; 57
Drops (extract) See Kombucha drops
Drosophilla 98; 99
Drugs 112
Dry (Conservation) 93
Drying the culture 104
Dust 16; 35; 56; 57; 93
Dying of the culture 44; 56; 71; 73; 83;
84; 85; 86
Dysentery 21; 97; 117
Dysentery bacteria 117
E 260 (acetic acid) See Acetic acid
E 270 (lactic acid) See Lactic acid
E 290 (carbon dioxide) See Carbon dioxide
Earthenware 15; 31
East Prussia 7
Eat the culture? 79
EEC regulations 93
Effect, loss 52
Effictive - how soon? 52, 115
Effectiveness 48; 51; 52; 65; 89; 90; 116
- Decreases 48
Eggs of vinegar flies 98
Elderflower 29; 49
Electrons 69
Elimination (promotes) 119
Elixir See Kombucha drops
Elongated types 90
Empty stomach 17; 50; 51
Endobionts 119
Endocrine system 121
Endogenic resistance 119; 124
Endogenic resistance system (RES) 146
Endogenous substances 116
Energy 59; 60; 61; 62; 63; 65; 68; 69;
85; 126; 127; 145
- increase 69; 125
- law of conservation of energy 61
Environment 112; 124
- pollution/ harmful substances 118;
119; 142
- toxins/poisons 147
Environmental conditions 97
Environmental influences 85
Enzymatic oxidation 71
Enzymes 40; 60; 62; 71; 73; 125
Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) 21; 22
Ergot 91
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH)
29; 32; 41; 62; 63 See also alcohol
Exhausted culture 85
Exogenous substances 116
Experience 13; 111; 112; 113
Experiment 12; 29; 49; 71; 72; 76; 89;
104; 116; 118
Exponential growth 103
Extract See Kombucha drops
Eyes 108; 146
Face (wash) 57
Face mask 57
Facial wrinkles 54; 57
Fahrenheit (Conversion) 37
Fall See Autumn
Famished culture 85
Fasching, Rosina 50
Fat 60
Fat is burnt off 56
Fatigue 117
Fats in the blood 30; 126
FDA 110
Feelings of anxiety, cessation 115
Ferment 50
Fermentation 14; 16; 32; 40; 41; 42; 58;
61; 62; 63; 85; 86; 96; 110; 111
- container 14; 31; 33; 35; 40; 43; 88
- period 41; 42; 43
- process under way 40-41
- secondary fermentation 48; 68
Fermentative ability of yeasts 91
Fermented beverage 16; 48
Fermented tea leaves 19
Field flasks 107
Filter the beverage 46; 96
- before drinking 47
- Coffee filter paper 46
- Folded filter 46
- not 46; 96
Filter-bag (for making tea) 23; 24
First batch 15-17; 31; 86
Fission 90; 91
Fission fungi 90
Fission yeast 91; 92
Fitness 113
Flatulence 39
Flavour 16; 44; 49
See also Taste and Aroma
Flexner rods 95
Flies 57 See also Vinegar flies
Float 17; 29; 33; 34; 86
Flour 106
Fluctuation 71
Flypaper, sticky 100
Folic acid 145
Folk beverage 144
Folk medicine/remedy 111; 114; 112; 117
Food additives 112
Food-grade material 15; 31
Food-physiology 112
Foodstuff 97
Foreword 7-10
France 107
Freezer-bag 102
Freezing 102
Fridge 48; 56; 57; 101
Friendship 13
Frost 83
Fructose (C6H12O6) 40; 59; 60; 70; 72;
73; 74; 75; 76
- takes longer to ferment than glucose 76
Fruit 18; 24; 35; 49; 60; 67; 94; 97
Fruit flies See Vinegar flies
Fruit juices 82
Fruit tea 18; 24
Fungicides 51
Fungus/ Fungi 37; 78; 83; 91; 94; 102;
111; 145
Fungus japonicus 107
Funnel 46
Furunculosis 117
Galactose 40; 59
Gall stones 21
Gall-bladder 146
Gall-stones 21; 108
Ganoderma japonicum 78
Ganoderma lucidum 78
Garlic press 77
Gas (CO2) See Carbonic dioxide
Gases, antimicrobial 95
Gastric canal 21
Gastritis 125
Gastroenteritis 117
Gastro-intestal tract 46
Gauze 35
Gelatinous mass 32
Gelatinous, slimy culture 39
Gelum drops 50
General improvement of health 115
Genetic influence 118
Genetic system 118
Genuine Kombucha culture 104; 105; 106
Geographical conditions 105
Geriatric complaints 115; 117
German Public Health Department 110
Germinal spores 30
Germs 30; 37
Gift from heaven 119
Gladness 121
Glandular system, improvement 117
Glandular system, purifies 119
Glass 15; 31; 39; 55
Glass containers 31
Glass cooking bowl 31
Glass jar 15; 144
Glass or porcelain jar 15
Glass rod 88
Glazed earthenware 15; 31
Gloves 104
Gluconic acid (C6H12O7) 28; 29; 40; 41; 63; 64;
72; 75; 76; 112
Glucose (C6H12O6) 29; 40; 41; 55; 59;
60; 61; 62; 63; 65; 70; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76
- ferments faster than fructose 76
Glucuronic acid (C6H10O7) 40; 48; 72; 78; 112;
115; 116; 118; 119; 124; 145; 146; 149
Glucuronide 115; 116
Glutinous mass 87
Glycogen 59; 60
Gooseflesh inside 51
Gout 111; 115; 116; 117; 119
Grain 60
Grape must 94
Graphic representation 41
Greasy steamy atmosphere 40
Green patch/colonies 93; 98
Green tea 15; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 25
- for your health 21
Ground 93
Grow together 86
Growing of a new culture 17; 33; 34; 86
Growth 87; 89; 103; 105
Guanine 28
Gunpowder tea 19
H2CO3 (carbonic acid) See Carbonic acid
H2O (water) See Water
Habit-forming 52
Haemorrhoids 55; 108; 114; 117
Hager's Handbook 107; 111
Hair loss 54; 56; 57
Hair, grey 108; 126
Hair, nicer 126
Hair-rinse 54; 56; 57
Handbooks 11
Hardening of the arteries 115
Harm/ harmful effects (no)/ harmless
57; 110; 116
Harmful bacteria 93
Harmful substances 124
Headache 114; 115; 116
Healing power 107
- maintain 113
- most important thing? 120-123
- regenerate 113
- restore 113
- stabilize 113
Health emergencies 119
Health/condition of the culture 83
Heart 18; 21; 108; 124
Heart attack 108
Heat 85; 102
Heat the beverage 48
Heating tray 39
Heat-seal 102
Heavy metal ions 118
Heldenpilz (hero's drink) 107
Heparin 146
Herbal tea 15; 24; 26-30; 73
- disadvantages 28-30
Herbs 67
Holiday 101
Homeopathy 77
Honey 63; 67; 69; 70; 71; 72; 74
Hoover 100
Hormone 121
Hormone effect 115
Hot 83
Household beverage 43
Household remedy 50; 113
Human cells 118
Humbug 9; 112
Hyaluronic acid 146
Hydrochloric acid 32; 55
Hydrogen 59; 62
Hydrogen peroxide 71
Hydrolysis 60
Hypochondriacal exactitude 120
Hypotonia 125
Hyson 19
Hysterectomy 126
Ice/Ice crystals 102
Ideal temperature 16; 38; 39
See also Temperature
Illness 54; 111; 114; 115; 121; 124
Immortality 113
Immune stimulation 46; 69; 125
Immune system 121; 122
Immunilogical response 78
Impotence 55
Incipient signs of old age 117
Incubation period 41; 42; 43
India 107
Indisposition 111
Infection 11; 97; 121; 125
Inflammation 117
Influences 11
Ingredients 15
Inhibine 71
Inhibit the formation of acids 47
Inhibition of micro-organisms
3/; 68; 93; 97
Inhibitory effect of acids 97
Inhibitory effect of carbon dioxide 95
Inhibitory effects of sunlight 37
See also Sun
Initial phase 103
Injury 124
Inner organs, diseases 117
Insecticidal spray 100
Insects 98; 99; 100
Insensitive 52
Insomnia 55
Insulin 74; 75
Insulin glands 75
Interferon production 118
Internal medicine 116
Interval theory 52
- bacteria 46; 127
- complaints/ diseases 46; 125
- dysbacteria 119
- flora 79; 113; 118
- gas 39
- inflammation 117
- tract 21; 46; 47; 60;74; 79; 114; 146
- under-activity 111
Intramolecular breakdown 62
Inversion of the disaccharides 40
Irritability 115
Itching 127
Jam 12; 97
Japan 19; 20; 21; 51; 78; 107; 144;
145; 149
Japanese warriors 107
jar 15; 31; 101; 102; 144
Jasmine 19
Jelly-fish 96; 107; 125
Jelly-like 47; 79; 87; 89; 96; 98; 103; 110
Jelly-like bits 47
Joint pains 108
Joni Eareckson 120
Joseph 96
Kargasok tea 107; 108
Keemun Black 19
Keemun Congou 18
Keep the beverage
- at room temperature 48
- cool 16; 42; 47; 48; 101
- in the fridge 48; 56
Keeps on working 48
Keeps well for months/ for a long time
16; 48
Kefir 63; 79
Kidney 21; 108; 111; 116; 119; 146
Kidney stones 21; 119
Kidneys, hardening 116
Kill fungi 102
Kill the culture 83
Killer-cells 121
Killer-Gel 100
Kilojoules 58
Kitchen (not the best place) 40
Knife 86; 87
Koehler, Valentin, Dr. 118, 119; 140
Kombu 106
Kombucha drops 50; 76; 77; 78; 80
Kombucha vinegar 53
Kombucha-baby See Young culture
Kombuchal 77
Korea 78
Kukicha tea 20
Kurland 114
Kvass 49; 50; 106
Laboratory 12; 14; 95; 99; 143; 148
Lactic acid (C3H6O3)
28; 29; 40; 41; 42; 50; 63; 81; 93; 94; 106; 112; 145-146
Lactose (C12H12O11) 59; 74; 76; 79
Lamella 86
Large mouth jar 31; 34; 35; 41
Laminaria japonica 106
Large quantity of culture 89
Large surface 31; 34; 35; 41
Larger amounts of tea 23; 31
Larger quantities of the beverage 86
Larvae (vinegar flies) 99
Lassitude 117
Latent period 103
Law of conservation of energy 61
Laws of thermodynamics 39
Laxative (constipation) 79; 108; 115; 117
Layer 17; 32; 33; 86
- new layer 86
- See also Young culture
- older layer 86
- thickness 87
Lead 147
Leaflet 80
Leather 104
Leave it in peace 16; 33; 40
Lemon 32
Lengthening life 107; 108
Leukemia 20; 55
Leukocytes 121
Levulose (= fructose) See Fructose
Lichen 54; 145; 146
Life prolonging 107; 108
Life-expectancy of the culture 12; 83; 84
Lifelong companion 85
Life-long joy 84
Light - See also Sun 16; 36; 37; 83; 145
Lime flower tea 24; 29
Linen 144
Little chemical factory 40
Little islands on the surface 96
Liver 24; 55; 60; 75; 124; 146
Living cells 55
Living conditions 103
Living organism 45; 57; 84; 89
Livonia 114
L-lactic-acid (+) 145; 146; 147
Lodewijkx, A.J. 119
Long life mushroom 107
Long Tseng 18
Lose weight 54; 56; 57
Loss of effect 52
Lumps 33
Lymphocytes 121
Lymphokines 121
Lymphstream 51
Maggots (vinegar flies) 35; 98; 99
Magic potion (no magic) 113
Making tea 23-24
Malt 50; 106
Maltose (C12H22O11) 59; 70; 76
Manchuria 107
Manna 75
Mannitol 75
Manual labour 147
Marine alga 53; 55; 56
Massage 54; 56
Masterwort 24
Mate tea 25
Mature of the beverage 16
Medicinal herbs 26-28; 149
Medicinal value 111
Medusa 107
Medusomyces Gisevii 109
Membrane 29; 33; 40; 86; 87; 145
Menopause 108
Menstruation 126
Mental capacity, improvement 115; 125
Mental lassitude 55
Mercury 147
Mesophyllic 38
Metabolic activity of the micro-organisms 41
Metabolic diseases 119; 125
Metabolic dross 119
Metabolic processes 34; 58; 63
Metabolic products 65; 71; 76; 115
Metabolism 39; 59; 60; 61; 63; 85;
112; 113; 115; 117; 118; 119
- breaking down 118
- building up 118
- stabilizing 124
Metal 15; 24; 31; 48; 86; 88
Metal caps 48
Metal chain 24
Metal containers 15; 31
Metastases 149
Metric measures (conversion) 22; 37; 52
Microbes 21; 30; 95
See also Micro-organisms
Microbiology 14
Microflora not abundant 94
Micro-organisms 14; 17; 31; 37; 61; 70;
71; 73; 78; 79; 81; 88; 90; 93; 94; 97; 104; 105; 117; 118
- one versus another 93
- undernourished 73
- undesirable 31
Microscope 85; 92
Migraine 125
Mildew 14; 91
Milieu 103
See also Terrain
Milk 55; 97
Milk thistle 24
Mineral nutriments for the culture 28
Mineral salts in tea 17; 61
Mineral water (dilute) 73
Minerals 60; 61; 67; 68
Miracle cure 111
Miracle cure for cancer 147
Miracle drink 32
Miracle fungus 114
Miraculous 126
Mixer 54; 57
Mixtures of herbal teas 25
Modification 71
Moisture 95
Molasses 66
Mold See Mould
Monasteries 107
Monosaccharides 40; 59; 60; 95
Morels 91
Moribund culture 85
Moselle wine 42
Mother tincture 77
Mould 11; 12; 14; 31; 32; 40; 55; 83; 84;
91; 93; 94; 95; 96; 97; 98; 99; 102
Move (do not move) 16; 33; 40; 87
Mucin 72
Mucoitin-sulphuric acid 146
Mucous-like pieces 87
Mukus (greek: fungus) 91
Mulled wine 48
Multiple sclerosis 127
Muscles 60; 108
Muscle-training 147
Mushroom 90
Muslin 35; 99; 101; 144
Musty smell 32
Mutaflor 50
Mutation 71; 85
Mysterious powers 111
Names of Kombucha 106-110
Natural healing 81
Natural product 113
Natural remedy 111; 127
Naturopath 12
Nerve problems 55
Nervous tension 117
Net curtain 35
Nettle 25
Neutral/ neutral reaction 44; 83
Neutralization 90
New culture See Young culture
Nitrite 118
Nitrogen 17; 24; 32; 49; 53; 61; 85
Non-volatile acids 36; 42
Not always the same 11; 42; 43; 44; 45;
58; 89
Nucleonic acid 28
Nucleus 90; 91
Nutrient ions 118
Nutrient solution 17; 25; 29; 33; 53;
54; 61; 65; 83; 87; 93; 95; 102; 104
O2 (oxygen) See Oxygen
Obesity 108; 117
Observation 112
Odour 41
See also Taste
Oesophagus cancer 22
Offshoot/offspring 10; 17; 47; 48; 56;
61; 144 See also Young culture
Ointment 56
Old culture 33; 86
- remove 33; 84; 85; 86; 90
Oligosaccharides 59; 70
Olinka 107
Omnipresent micro-organisms 93
Omsk (hospital) 43
Oolong Tea 19
Oregano 25
Organic acids 16; 31; 40; 62; 63; 93;
94; 110
Origins 106; 107
Other methods 53
Outworn culture 84
Ovaries 55
Over-acidity 84
Overheating 39
Oxalic acid (HOOC-COOH) 40; 94
Oxidases 19
Oxidation (respiration) 19; 40; 61; 62
Oxygen (air) 34; 41; 48; 56; 59; 60;
62; 88; 90; 91; 99; 101
Ozone 118
Pains/aches 108; 114; 115; 116; 124; 127
Pancreas 60
Paper handkerchief 35; 99
Paper towel 16; 35
Paracelsus 149
Pass on the Offspring 10
Pasteurization 30
Patches, whitish 96
Pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria
46; 78
Peace 121
Penicillin 91; 127
Peppermint 25; 29; 54; 57; 106
Pepples on top 34; 88
Pepsin 55
Peptide-amino-acid mixture 55
Peptone 53; 55
Perenterol 46
Personal experiences 124-127
Personal taste 43
Pessimistic outlook 121
pH indicator 44; 83
pH value 16; 31; 32; 41; 44; 55; 63; 68;
83; 89; 90; 93; 97; 119; 146; 147
pH value of the blood 119; 147
Phagocytes 121
Pharaoh 96
Pharmaceutical press 77
Pharmacology 51; 116
Phenol 29
Phlegm in the throat 124
Photometric enzyme tests 29
Photosynthesis 145
Physical capacity, improvement 115
Physical lassitude 55
Physical resistance, increase 118
Pichia fermentans 145
Pickle 12; 93
Pickled gherkins 94
Pieces, slimy brownish 96
Plant cells, protection 118
Plant spores 16
Plants 14; 90
Plasma 85
Plastic containers 31; 39
Poland 111; 115
Pollutants 16
Polyethylene (PE) 15; 31
Polylefine 15; 31
Polypropylene 15; 31
Polysaccharides 59; 78; 95; 146
Polystyrene 15; 31
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) 15; 31
Pombe fission yeast 91; 92; 105; 106; 145
Pombe yeasts 38
Porcelain jar 15
Port (adding) 32
Positive effects of Kombucha on one's health 114-119
Potato salad 12
Potted plants 14
Powers of resistance 122
Precancer 50; 146
Predisposition 51
Pregnant women 57
Prejudice 77; 111
Preparation of Kombucha
- at a glance 15-17
Preservation 31; 32; 93; 94; 95;
96; 97; 110
Preservative effect of alcohol 94
Preservative effect of organic acids 93
Pressed extract See Kombucha drops
Pressing 77
Pressure cooker 14
Pressure in the bottle 47
Preventive medicine 112
Problems 12; 93; 96; 97
- false 96
- genuine 97
Procedure for the preparation 15-17
Prokaryotes 90
Proliferation suppressed 95
Prolongation of life 115
Propagate the culture (3 ways) 86-89
Propagation 17; 34; 35; 62; 79;
84; 90; 144
Propagation process 90
Protective mechanisms 93
Protein 55; 85; 94
Proteinase 55
Protons 69
Psyche 121
Psychological and pysiological effects of alcohol 82
Psychoneuroimmunology 121
Publications 114
Pure culture See Genuine cultur
Purification 57; 113; 126
Purifies poisons 57
Purifying the system 126
Purine 28; 29
Putrefactive bacteria 97
Pyrethroid 100
Pyrethrum 100
r (specific resistance) 68
Racemates 146
Radioactive isotopes 20
Radioactive rain 118
Raisins 49
Rasche, Erich 68; 140
Rashes of spots on the face 115
Raspberry 24; 49
Raspberry leaves tea 24
Rat's tails 96
Ready - when? 42-45
Ready-made Kombucha products 80
Reagan, Ronald 142; 149; 150
Real Kombucha culture 104; 105; 106
Recommendation 51; 111
Red corpuscles 119
Reduction 62
Regeneration 85
Reiss, Dr. 29; 38; 41; 42; 73; 82; 104; 140
Rejuvenate 84; 85
Relaxation 121
Remove old culture 84; 85; 86; 90
Replace 51
Reports 124
Repression of alien organisms 93
Reproduce 17; 56
Reproduction 90; 91; 92; 104
- asexual 90
- vegetatively 91
Research 112; 113
Resistance 125
Resistance foodstuff 113
Resistant to bacteria 94
Respiration See Oxidation
Respiration chain 62
Respiratory problems 55
Restoration 118; 124
Resuscitation 124
Revitalizing 125
Revive culture 83; 84; 85; 101-104
rH2 (electron potential) 68
Rheumatism 55; 114; 115; 116; 117;
119; 124; 125; 127
Rhubarb 94
Rinsing out the container 47
Room for play 43
Room temperature 38
Rose-hip 24; 25; 104
Rose-hip tea 44
Rubber band 16; 35; 99; 100
Rum 94
Rum (adding) 32
Rumours 117; 147
Russia 21; 32; 38; 43; 51; 67; 95; 106;
107; 111; 142-150
Russian military hospitals 50
Russian tea 18; 24; 29
Ruth and Boas 81
Rye flour 50
Saccharin 66
Saccharomyces 91; 145
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 46; 47
Saccharomyces ludwigii 145
Saccharomyces of the apiculatus types 145
Saccharose (C12H22O11) 55; 59;
60; 63; 73; 75; 76
Sage 25
Salad dressing 53
Salt 93
Sauerkraut 94
Saunas 147
Saxony 7
Scald 83; 88
Scald the utensils 14
Scars 92; 124; 127
Scrap off brownish pieces 96
Sceptism 111
Schizomycetes 30; 79; 90
Schizosaccharomyces pombe 91; 92;
105; 106; 145
Schroeder, Helga, Dr. 103
Scientific 109; 111; 112; 113; 116;
117; 118; 145; 147; 148
Scientific medicine 111
Scientific name of Kombucha 109
Scissors 86; 87
Sclerosis 117
Seasons 39
Seaweed 106
Second glass 87
Secret 107
Secret Russian remedy 115
Sediment 46; 16; 47; 68
Self-preservation 93; 94; 95; 96; 97
Senility 77; 79
Sensibility 51
Separate growing of a new culture 17
Shade/ shadow 16; 83
Shallow liquid depths 34; 35
Shape of the fermentation container 34; 35; 41
Sharp tang/taste 47; 56
Shelf life of the beverage 16; 48
Sherry (adding) 32
Shigella rods 95
Shingles 108
Shivers 125
Shizuoka 21
Side effects 110; 112
Sieve 46; 47; 96
Signs of old age 117
Silage 94
Silesia 7
Simple sugars 40
Sinking 17; 29; 33; 34; 40;
86; 87; 88; 102
Size of the culture 11
Skin of the culture 76; 87; 88; 96;
103; 104
Skin, human 21; 57
- problems 57
- smooth and soft 56
Sklenar, Dr. 12; 50; 51; 72; 77; 118
Sleep 108; 125; 126; 127
Slim See Lose weight
Sluggish bowels 114; 115; 116; 117
Smell 42; 44; 83; 144 See also Taste
- aromatic 98
- pleasant 49
- unpleasant 98
Smoke 40; 97
Smooth, shiny, light layer 33
Soak with a wad 124
Soil spores 30
Soluble form 117
Solzhenitzyn, Alexander 149
Sore throat 55
Sorrow 121
Sour 16; 73; 84; 94; 101
Sour cream 73
Sour milk 73; 79; 94
Sources of supply (leaflet) 80
Sparkle 33; 42; 44
Specific organ 124
Speed of chemical reactions 39
Spices 67
Spirit 121
Spoon 88
Spores 14; 30; 90; 91; 93; 94; 97;
102; 145
Sport 117
Sporulation 91
Spots 126
Spring 39
Springtime lethargy 126
Sprout 89
Stadelmann, Eduard, Prof. 114; 140
Stainless steel 15
Stahl, Ulf, Prof. 105; 141
Stalin, Josef 147
Stand after bottling 48
Starch (C6H10O5) 59; 60
Starter liquid (10%) 15; 16; 17;
31; 32; 87
Starting phase 103
Sterile conditions/ sterilize
12; 55; 14; 34; 88
Sterile precautionary measures 95
Stimulate the growths of the yeasts 47
Stimulation, addiction to 52
Stimulation of the immune system 113
Stimulation of the body's metabolism 117
St-John's-Wort 25
Stomach 20; 22; 24; 63; 117; 124; 125
Stomach lining 146
Stomach pains 124
Stones 111
Stopper the bottle 16
Store 48
Strain the beverage 16; 46
Strains of yeast and bacteria 105
Strawberry leaves tea 24
Streamers, brownish 96
Strength 81
Strenuous intellectual activity 117
Streptococci 95
Stress 121
String 99; 100
Strotonium 90 20
Structural information 67
Styrol 31
Subcutaneous bruising 21
Substances 41
Substratum 28 See also Nutrient solution
Sucanat 68; 69
Success 11
Success, cases 9; 124-127; 142-150
Sugar 12; 15; 16; 17; 40; 41; 42; 43;
54; 56; 58; 59; 60; 61; 70; 72; 74; 75; 82; 106; 144
- alternatives? 66
- brown sugar 66
- cane sugar 75
- chemistry 59; 60
- colour 66
- conversion 43; 73
- formula 59
- how much? 53; 64; 73
- impurities 68
- in K. not harmful 63
- inversion (splitting) 63; 70; 73
- invert sugar 64
- raw cane sugar 66; 67
- residual sugar 43; 58; 63; 65; 73; 74
- starting sugar 65; 73
- Sucanat 68; 69
- sugar-eating fungus 91
- theory 61-66
- transformation (breakdown) 63; 64;
69; 85
- various types 75
- what sort? 64
- white/refined (best) 12; 61; 68;
69; 72; 76
- whole cane sugar 67; 68; 69; 74
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 118
Summer 39; 42; 47; 99
Sun 16; 36; 37; 54; 57; 83; 85
Sunlight See Sun
Surface of the beverage 48
Sweaty feet 108
Sweet 16; 24
Sweeten 73
Switzerland (Zurich) 80
Symbiont 83
Symbiosis 38; 84; 90; 105; 110; 145
Symbiotic culture See Symbiosis
Synonymous names 106-110
Synthesis 62
Synthetic material 15
Synthetic sweetener 66
Syrup 106
Tan 104
Tangy 42
Tannic acid 18; 19; 84
Tannin 18; 19; 21; 28
Taste 11; 16; 42; 44; 45; 49; 83
- acidic 16; 68
- aromatic 50
- better after storage 48
- change by fruit 49
- effervescent 11; 16; 42; 43; 44; 45; 48
- like cider 47; 50
- like dry white wine 47; 50; 56
- like fruit wine 50
- like Moselle wine 42
- like semi-sparkling wine 115
- like sweet cider 115
- Like sweet-sour wine-must 44
- malty 68
- marvelous 50
- musty 32
- not always the same 11
- personal 43
- pleasant 65; 68; 115; 143
- refreshing 48; 49; 50; 56; 81; 107;
111; 115; 143
- secondary issue 72
- sharp 47; 56
- slightly sharp 50
- sour 65; 73; 83
- strengthening 107
- sweet 63
- tart 63
- tasty 143
- thirst-quencher 48
- vinegary 42
- vitalizing 110
T-cells 121
Tea 55; 67
- black tea See Black tea
- blend green/black 19
- green tea See Green tea
- herbal tea See Herbal tea
- making tea 23; 24
- purine See Purine
- tannin See Tannin
Tea bags 15; 23
Tea filter 23
Tea fungus 107; 144; 145; 149
Tea kvass 50; 106; 110; 115; 117;
143; 144; 145
Tear upper part (do not) 86; 33
Tea towel 16
Tea wine 144
Teaspoon for scrapping off 96
Tea-towel (linen) 35
Temperate zone 54
Temperature 15; 31; 34; 37; 38; 39;
41; 43; 48; 54; 55; 82; 83; 87; 88; 90; 101
- conversion Centigrade/Fahrenheit 37
- optimum 16; 38; 39
Temporary suspension of Kombucha production 101-104
Ten percent as starter
15; 16; 17; 31; 32; 87
Terrain 68; 69
Thawing out the culture 102
Theobromine 28
Theophylline 28
Therapeutic effect 111-119, 124-127
Therapeutically active substance 83
Thermodynamics 39
Thermometer 31
Thought and care 93
Three glasses a day 16
Three Year Tea 20
Thrombophlebitis 124; 146
Thrombosis 146
Throw it away 33
Thrush 91
Tired 126; 127
Tonsillitis 117
Topical Kombucha news 80
Torula 145
Toxins/poisons 57; 93; 146; 149
Trace ions 118
Tradition 111
Transparent 32; 89; 95
Transparent pieces 87
Travel sickness 108
Trees, sick 118
Trial and error 9
Trial of the Moscow Doctors 148
Trials 12
Tropical temperatures 54
Trust 111
Tube 46
Tumours 21; 22 See also Cancer
Turkmenia 21
Typhoid fever 21
Ulcers 108
Ultra-violet light 37
Uncontaminated cultures 11
Underheating 39
Undernourished culture 85
Undesirable course 11
Unique (each person) 51
Unpolluted 95
Unwanted bacteria 49
Uppermost layer 33
Uric acid 28; 117; 118; 119
Urinary system 146; 149
Urine 115; 116; 146; 147
US measures (conversion) 22; 37; 52
Usnic acid 146
USSR 142
Utensils and materials 15
Uterus 55
Vacuum distillation 77
Vacuum-cleaner 100
Van't Hoff rule 39
Variations 44; 45; 49; 71; 85
Variety in the cultures 104; 105
Varying factors 41
Varying results 11
Vegetables 60; 67
Vegetatively reproduction 91
Veils 96
Ventilation 85
Vigour 12
Vincent method (BE) 68
Vinegar 31; 35; 42; 43; 53; 98;
99; 101; 111
Vinegar flies (fruit flies) 98; 99; 100
Vinegar taste 42
Vinegar-drink 81
Viruses 78; 146
Vision improvement 108
Vital functions 101
Vital substances 70; 71
Vitalizing 110
Vitamin 53; 62; 67; 107; 112; 115; 145
Vitamin B 20; 21; 40
Vitamin B1 60
Vitamin C 20; 40; 48
Vitamin K 21
Vitamin P 21
Volatile acid 36; 42; 76
Volatile oils 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 70
Volume 89
Wall 90
Warmth 38; 39; 90
Wash off brownish pieces 96
wash/soak the culture 16; 47; 57; 98
Waste products, removing 115
Water 11; 15; 18; 33; 40; 41; 60; 85;
87; 90; 93; 112
- surface tension 87
Way of life 113; 122
Weight loss 54; 56; 57
Well-being 52; 57; 81; 112; 113; 119;
122; 124
Wholefood diet 125
Wide opening 34
Wild yeasts 49; 104; 105
Wine 43; 48; 82; 144
- vinegar bacteria 88
Winter 39; 42; 47
Womb 126
Woodruff 25
Worms 98
Wormwood 24
Wound 55
Wrinkles 56; 108
Xanthine alkaloids 28
Yarrow 25
Yeasts 16; 17; 32; 37; 39; 40; 41; 46;
47; 48; 53; 61; 62; 63; 71; 73; 76; 78; 81;
82; 83; 85; 89; 90; 91; 92; 93; 94; 95; 96;
97; 98; 99; 102; 104; 105; 106; 110; 145
- beneficial effect of yeast cells 46
- deposit 84
- sediment 15; 46; 47
- therapy 46
- wild yeasts 49
Yeasts deposit 84
Yellow gentian root 24
Yoghurt 63; 79
Young culture 17; 29; 33; 34; 47; 48;
79; 84; 85; 86-92; 98; 144
- development 87
Youth 57
Yunnan 19
Zooglea 28
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